The greatest misconception about IT professionals is that they spend their days and nights in front of a computer and their interests revolve only around technology.
We hate to break it to you, but this is far from true. And we can prove it. Our employees are not just great at hunting down software bugs and solving IT-related issues, but they are also huge fans of sports, exercise, and staying physically active. We caught up with seven of them to learn more about their interests and how they stay fit.
Get inspired!
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A sword for the lady, please!
Ērika Beča is not afraid to break down all stereotypes associated with IT professionals. Not only is she a great QA engineer, but she is also a fan of martial arts and practices kendo. Sword fight, anyone?
“I have explored all kinds of sports and activities, starting from dancing and yoga classes, to running, going to the gym, and martial arts. And I can definitely say that martial arts are my favorite. Back in 2009 I started training in kendo—a Japanese martial art using swords and protective armor. Soon after I got into MMA”

Always up for a challenge
Beatrise Plēsniece is a very active person. And by very, we mean that she has completed 971 activities since the middle of 2020.
”I really like to challenge myself. I love a good challenge and trying out new things. For each season, I have different activities and I’m planning to try even more new things in future. This summer I started playing volleyball and resumed Dance Fit after a three-year break. I use Strava to keep track of my progress. Since the middle of 2020, I have completed 971 activities. Currently, my favorite type of exercise is women’s ice hockey. I’ve been playing it for one whole season. We have a break at the moment, but I’m impatiently waiting for season two.”

Gym life is the best life
Reinis Francis has been going to the gym 4-6 times a week for almost six years now, and has no plans of stopping or slowing down anytime soon.
“It started in my teenage years. I was always the tall, super skinny guy. At the time I was comfortable with my body, but after my friends started going to the gym I thought that joining them would be a great opportunity to spend more time with them. Little did I know, it would be the start of a new lifestyle, not just a hobby.”

Lifting weights
Emīls Bergs is a person full of energy and power, and who’s not afraid of sports, working up a sweat, and trying something new.
“I’ve tried all kinds of sports in the past that I really enjoyed, like basketball, kickboxing and boxing. I also enjoy skating and cycling. But my favorite sport is definitely weightlifting. There is no other sport that makes me feel the way I feel during those 2 hours of weightlifting.”
All you need is body weight
Ralfs Ezeriņš wanted to become the best version of himself and found that bodyweight exercises were the best way to achieve his goal.
“My absolute favorite type of exercise is calisthenics. It is a form of strength training that focuses on working out using only your body weight. I have been doing it for the past 6 months at a moderate pace (usually 3 times a week). Of all the possible exercises you can do in this training, my favorite are push-ups because of their versatility. A great thing about this kind of training is that you can exercise from literally anywhere—at home or outside. There’s no need to go to the gym”

Deadlift therapy
Inspired by Arnold Schwarzenegger and classic bodybuilding, Daniels Ozols has been into fitness for 6 years now.
”My favorite type of exercise is lifting weights, primarily benchpress and deadlift. What I like most about lifting weights is that it’s not only good for the body, but also good for your mental health. When I’m in the gym I usually leave all the stress and worries outside and then it’s just me and the weights for 1-2 hours. It’s like therapy. And once you start seeing results it becomes motivating and satisfying.”

Returning to the gym
After a long break, Sanda Stepīte was determined to get back into the gym and find that motivation and energy boost she had been missing.
”At the moment I am working on building up my physical form once again by returning to the gym. Unfortunately, I had to stop going to the gym due to pandemic restrictions. Apart from staying healthy and physically active, for me going to the gym is a form of relaxation and a way to rewind after work. I also find that you can often get an energy and motivation boost after the workout to do other tasks and activities.”

What tips would you give to those who want to get into exercising but are struggling to?
“Think of what you want to achieve and why you want to exercise. If you find purpose, the exercise will become easier and you will be more motivated to do it.” —Ralfs Ezeriņš
“The best tip would be to get a personal trainer at the beginning so that you will have someone by your side who can show you the exercises and how to do them properly.” —Reinis Francis.
“Explore. If you don’t like one sport, go try another one. You will definitely find something you will enjoy!” —Ērika Beča.
“Rome wasn’t built in a day. You didn’t learn to walk, write or read in one day. Everything takes time. Give yourself time to find an exercise you will enjoy.” —Emīls Bergs
“Start small, stay consistent and after a while you will see the results that will keep you motivated.” —Daniels Ozols
“Don’t be afraid to try new things! Just give them a chance. Challenge yourself and never give up.” —Beatrise Plēsniece
“Find someone who shares the same interests as you and exercise together. This way you will have someone to motivate you and maintain consistency.” —Sanda Stepīte
Our colleagues are a great example of how you can work in IT and have an active lifestyle at the same time. There’s no room for stereotypes here. Dedicated to becoming a better version of themselves, they devote their time to exercising no matter what - no excuses - for stronger muscles, more energy, and better health.
It’s never too late to start exercising and being more active. Explore different sports and activities and find what works best for you!
Want to be a part of an amazing team that shares a passion for quality assurance and leading an active lifestyle? Check out our open positions and join us.